( this is my 3rd entry showing photos ..he he he)
Thank you Allah for giving us light..
Thank you Allah for giving us bright..
Thank you Allah for giving us harmony..
and please let us be in your guidance through out our lives..
Gunung Semanggol.
Perak, Malaysia.
My hometown...
thank you Allah:)
cantiknye gambo nieh..
Sha pernah dengar pasal gunung semanggol, tp tak pernah gi...
gambo yg last tuh nampak macam dlm filem plak:)
BUKIT MERAH LAKE TOWN terletak di MUKIM Gunung Semanggol!
mai la ke Utara Perak...
mana gambaq kami dok naik cawan berpusing?
4 sedara,
nanti mak ngah boh...kalau ada la..gambar naik cawan ada BIDEO!
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