Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nyorok nyorok..( hide and seek)


Aku nak cerita satu kisah. Mungkin ada yang dah terbaca kisah ni. Tapi saja aku nak boh lagi kat blog aku supaya sesiapa yang tak baca lagi cerita ni, boleh tumpang sekaki.

Long time ago, there was a wise man living in a village.
The wise man was a teacher.
He taught a group of students aged around 12-15 years old.

There was one student who really stood out among all of his.
And one day, the wise man wanted to test him.
. he called out all of his students.

" Today, we are going to play 'hide and seek' and I'm going to give each of you a chicken. Please hide the chicken where no one can ever see or find it. You can hide anywhere in the village. I give you one hour from now....and after that please come back to me."

So his students ran all over the village to hide the chicken.

After an hour, everybody came back to the classroom.
There was no chicken in sight except in hands of THE clever boy.
So everyone was laughing and making fun of him.

The wise man hushed his students and began to ask the boy.

" Why didn't you hide the chicken, young man?"

" I'm sorry sir but I really don't know where I can hide it"

"How come?"

"Because everytime I tried to hide the chicken, I know that Allah is there and He can 'SEE' it. We can't hide anything from His 'Eyes'", answered the boy quietly.

The wise man smiled and told his other students,

" Dearest all...I hope everyone can understand the purpose of the game we had just now. This game of 'hide and seek' is only a test and the winner of the game is your friend here!!

................the moral of the story?

" Allah Maha melihat"...and Allah can see everything and anything you do"
simple isn't it?



DrSam said...

the moral of the story...ehem...kita kena selalu bermoral-moral gitu :)

ASH said...

Dr sam.
...ingat kut en_me tadi..
selalu gitew gitew!
ha ha

aza ni said...

salam hidayatun,
seandainya semua seperti murid tadi.......

ASH said...

maka tiada pencuri, tiada perasuah, tiada yang perompak, tiasa penzina, tiada peminum arak....tiada yang berani nak buat

ibundo said...

cerita hang ni mengingatkan aku time aku kecik2 dulu suka norok dalam reban ayam keh..keh..
(domam dah nak baik dah ni)

ASH said...

buat pa dalam gheban tu kakpah weii..
curik telog ka?
ha ha

Nizam.Ariff said...

Kalau ayam tu dah siap bergoreng... aku makan... hahahaa

anjang said...

permainan ini merupakan kenangan terindah masa kecil-kecil

Brahim Nyior said...

Kak Hida,

Budak kecil lebih jujur berbanding orang dewasa.

Berapa ramai drp kita yang rasa diperhatikan?

Kanak-kanak, hidupnya penuh imaginasi, tak seperti orang dewasa yang penuh hipokrasi.

ASH said...

...sorok dalam perut.

ko pun rajin sorok ayam? mesti tak baca nih!!!
tengok tajuk jer.ha ha

..Kedewasaan yang penuh tipu daya.