What are the signs and symptoms of dyslexia
"Classroom teachers may not be able to determine
if a child has dyslexia. They may detect early signs that suggest
further assessment by a psychologist or other health professional
in order to actually diagnose the disorder. Letter and number
reversals are the most common warning sign. Such reversals are
fairly common up to the age of 7 or 8 and usually diminish
by that time. If they do not, it may be appropriate to test for
dyslexia or other learning problems. Difficulty copying from the
board or a book can also suggest problems. There may be a general
disorganization of written work.
A child may not be able to remember
content, even if it involves a favorite video or storybook. Problems
with spatial relationships can extend beyond the classroom and
be observed on the playground. The child may appear to be
uncoordinated and have difficulty with organized sports or games.
Difficulty with left and right is common, and often dominance for
either hand has not been established. In the early grades, music and
dance are often used to enhance academic learning. Children with
dyslexia can have difficulty moving to the rhythm of the music.
Auditory problems in dyslexia encompass a variety
of functions. Commonly, a child may have difficulty remembering
or understanding what he hears. Recalling sequences of things
or more than one command at a time can be difficult. Parts of
words or parts of whole sentences may be missed, and words can
come out sounding funny. The wrong word or a similar word may
be used instead. Children struggling with this problem may know
what they want to say but have trouble finding the actual words
to express their thoughts.
Many subtle signs can be observed in children
with dyslexia. Children may become withdrawn and appear to be
depressed. They may begin to act out, drawing attention away from
their learning difficulty. Problems with self-esteem can arise,
and peer and sibling interactions can become strained. These children
may lose their interest in school-related activities and appear
to be unmotivated or lazy. The emotional symptoms and signs are just as important
as the academic and require equal attention."
Aku tengok tahun ni ada sorang murid aku yang ada gaya symptom symptom ni.
Macam mana nak bagitau parents dia??
salam kenal,
susah nak gitau parents bab2 cenggini (bab yg orang nampak cam negatif). Ye la..kalo dpt parents yg understanding takpe..tapi kalo dpt yg jenis takmo terima hakikat, kita pulak yg dicop tak pandai..haishhh
betui betui betui...
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